Conjoint Analysis: Conjoint analysis is a market research technique in which respondents are systematically presented with a rotating set of product descriptions, each of which contains a rotating set of attributes and levels of those attributes. By asking respondents to choose their preferred product and/or to indicate their degree of preference from within each set of options, conjoint analysis can determine the relative contribution to overall preference of each variable and each level. The two key advantages of conjoint analysis over other methods of determining importance are: 1) the variables and levels can be either continuous (e.g. weight) or discreet (e.g. color), and 2) it is just about the only valid market research method for evaluating the role of price, i.e. how much someone would pay for a given feature (See Chapter 18 of The PDMA HandBook 2nd Edition).
联合分析:联合分析是一种市场调研方法,它包含反馈者关于产品的系统描述,包括一系列属性和属性的实现程度。要求反馈者选择他们更喜欢的 产品或明确他们的偏好,经综合分析之后可判断每个变量在多大程度上对产品整体做出贡献。与其他方法相比,联合分析的两大优点是:1变量和 程度可以是连续的(如权重)或具体的(如颜色);2它是评价价格作用的唯一有效的市场调研方法,如对于产品某一具体特性,人们要支付多少价格。(参见PDMA新产品开发手册第二版第18章)